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3 Aug

Cambodia Devt Club and Cooperation and The Amber Initiative!

Cambodia is a beautiful country and what made it beautiful was the people. I went with The Amber Initiative to Cambodia this weekend and we met with Oxfam Quebec, SCADP, Care for Cambodia, UNIAP Cambodia and the Cambodia Development Club and Cooperation. It was a lot. But I think I got to see the immense energy that was coming from the people of Cambodia- and the one thing that seemed to unite them all was passion. MORE PHOTOS HERE.

On the second day, we visited the torture museums and there was a strong desire to remember the atrocities that happened with the Pol Pot regime. Photo are HERE ( It was a painful experience, and I left lost – I didn’t know how we could be so barbaric, to crack a child’s skull on a tree or to torture ruthlessly. This and other atrocities still happening today- in Sudan, in Guantanamo, the North Korea conflict continues so does the Burmese situation that had forced so many to flee. It’s a painful past and painful present. How long will this continue? A lot of us- I’m included go on with out lives- it’s comfortable, and never ask “How long will we see justice happen?” “How long do I have to suffer?” “How long must I wait”- How Long. I don’t ask that question enough.

The thing I love about Cambodia is that Cambodia knows things need to be better, and Cambodians are not waiting for change- they are the change. Challenges are great and painful, but nothing stops them. We met with the Cambodia Development Club and Cooperation – they were soo great. In 2 days they gathered some of their members to meet with us, and we realized how similar we are, despite growing up from two very different countries. They were a group from all the universities in Cambodia and had a big dream, big visions, just as we did. Hearing their stories and there was a sense of mutual learning. Plus, making new friends was such a joy.

My favorite part was when they drove us to the airport, one of them, Hyn Wan, who was driving, went really fast over a road bump- We let out a small yelp at the bump and laughed. There were three more road bumps and over each one, he went REALLY REALLY REALLLLLLLLYYYY slowly. We started laughing so hard in the car. And he said, “Hahhaa, I do this so that you will remember me.”

Cambodia, you will be remembered.
– Meixi