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A Tribute

4 Sep

Let the flag fly high

So this is maybe the last post before this trip is over. It’s 85/85. I can’t believe it how fast and slow time has flown- on one hand, 85 days just flew past, on the other, Guatemala seemed like such a long time ago. While this adventure is ending really quickly, my journey to understand schools for social justice is just beginning. What an exciting time. So this post is a tribute to ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE MADE this trip possible, and I know I can’t list everybody, but I’m going to try.

To The Circumnavigators Foundation, especially Mrs Carol Narup for all her patience and guidance with me, for this once in a lifetime opportunity to experience the world, and to know more about people, the world and myself.

To all the new friends I have made- from researchers, to fellow students at Miguel Asturias Academy, Fe y Alegria, No. 35, NorthLight School, Mercy Teams School, SOS Herman-Gmeiner International College, Michael Rigolot & Regis Guyon from CASNAV, Ms Marie Claire Simonin from the Jules Ferry École, teachers, principals, my amazing HOST FAMILIES! people singing in the sidewalk, NGOs, Sisters from the convent, fellow protesters, communities, taxi drivers, bus drivers, new friends from Couch Surfing… this list could go on.

To all my friends around the world, who so graciously opened their families and homes – Raphaelle Neyton and family, Nana and Kimi Ohene-Adu and their family, Aunty Beng Lay and Uncle Junior, Felix Arenas and family, Sebastian Galvez, Nicky Smith, people who have I managed to see, MY WONDERFUL FAMILY. Mom, dad, shun, mei, suraj, godpa, aunty mims, all the eagles folk- your encouragement has been so important!

To YOU, thank you for reading all my stories and moments of struggle and moments of joy, on this long journey. Thank you for your skype calls, emails, phone calls, BBMs, gchats, facebook messages, comments.. and however else the internet allows us to contact each other. 🙂 It has meant the world.

This trip could not have been possible without you.

Much love,
– Meixi

Through the glass

24 hours

4 Sep

schools- hopscotch!

la cnmion école

I officially have 24 hours left of this trip. And while it’s surreal that it’s almost over- the entire journey was absolutely INCREDIBLE. I was just in Besancon yesterday and met Mr Michael Rigolot- a wonderful man who helped me with ALL the contacts, met Raphaelle’s mom, and Ms Marie Claire, a teacher specializing in the Gens Du Voyage- (French Roms) and even got to visit a camion école (moving school) in a small caravan. It was SUCH a treat. So moved by their stories and their determination and fight for justice.

– Until the last post,


1 Sep

It’s September and I can’t believe how fast time has flown. I’m leaving for Besançon tonight to go to school and visit some families and communities and I’m so so excited! I feel it’s going to be wildly different from Paris, which will be a wonderful change.

The final countdown has begun- 5 days to go before this adventure ends, but really, this journey to explore schools, policies and communities is just beginning.

On and on – say do you remember
On and on – dancing in September
On and on – never was a cloudy day

On and on – say do you remember
On and on – dancing in September
On and on – golden dreams were shiny days

– September by Earth, Wind and Fire